

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nation Building 101: Kiss My Grits!


Today, when I get to the nunnery, I'm going to try to save the life of a woman I've never met's fish named after the woman who wrote the song the kids who are about to perform a different song on the Oscar's are singing.

In related news, you'll probably be either disappointed that I used so much butter on my grits or really jealous that nobody will ever cook you breakfast this good:

Okay, yeah, I guess you're right. It could use some colored vegetables. Looks like I'll be going on a date with Key Foods today! Anyway, I really didn't use that much butter today.

Oh, and speaking of grits ... Isn't modern civilization interesting?:

And speaking of all the banal trappings of modern civilization, since I don't really know what to do about the thing that this part of this sentence links to I'm just gonna head back over to ebay and buy a bunch of records from some guy in Brazil.



Friday, February 25, 2011

Space 101: Because I Don't Really Miss You Either, So There!


Today I woke up super excited because I just knew there would be something good in the mail box when I walked my little happy feet down the six flights of stairs that don't bother me at all unless I'm carrying an 85lb. self-assemble dresser up said six flights of stairs. And lo! To my joy I knew that not only was I grateful to not be a state union employee in the state of Wisconsin, but that today would be the day that I would finally be the proud owner of my very own LP copy of the amzingly amazing self-titled album from the Stone Roses. And so I am. Thankful that I at least have the mp3 version still. You can see photos of it below ...

Someone needs to clue The Red Coats in to the "Fragile" sticker!!!!!

Fortunately I had the non sadness inducing appointment with TheMistyBoyceExperience to begin working on songs for her next album to help ease me into the rest of the day.



P.S. The Casey Shea "band" next lives out your dreams on March 11.
P.P.S. Anyone ever heard of Rockwood Music Hall?
P.P.P.P.S. Or, maybe she'd just say: "Matthew, just be glad you were born a white male."
P.P.P.P.P.S. Assuming, that is, that we were having a conversation ...
P.P.P.P.P.P.S. But that's, unfortunately, impossible.
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. And by "unfortunately", I mean ...
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I can only assume she'd be a lot of "fun".
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. If you know what I mean ...