

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Corrections Facility 101: Better To Brown Bag It.


I just saw the Jeff Bridges movie where he impersonates Chris Kristofferson. It was pretty good. It reminded me of when my biological father called me when I was around 25 and I didn't have much of anything to say to him either. And it also reminded me how freaking annoying it is that Hollywood movies always have to tie the story up in a bow. But at least they left that part pretty on point.

This morning(ish) I heard about this book called SUM by David Eagleman. In it he talks about the afterlife and all the ways Chris Buttars will one day be _____________.
He also mentions three forms of death. The first would be kinda like when my dad (the one that raised me) was watching TV one afternoon in 1993 and took a nap, as was his custom, and never woke up. The second part is the whole funeral thing which I guess can be a pretty cool ceremony in some cultures like when Segourney Weaver dies in Avatar, but in my culture it sucked and was so sad I kept forgetting to cry until like two years later. Anyway, the really interesting part of this interview was about the third and final form of death: "... sometime in the future when your name is spoken for the last time."

Right now I'm listening to Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison album.
Sounds like it was quite a party.
My dad worked at this prison for about 28 years...
He probably supervised the making of that sign.
Legend has it that one day one of the inmates took a giant crap in the giant vat of spaghetti sauce that everyone who worked and lived there was gonna eat.
I guess they all ate it...

Speaking of prison...
I'll be playing tonight with Casey Shea at Rockwood. We go on at 1AM(ish).



P.S. Except my dad.
P.P.S. My mom packed him a roast beef sandwich that day.
P.P.P.S. I bet that job kinda sucked.

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