

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Impersonation 101: Restraining Orders And The Case For The Windmill Bubble

Good afternoon,

This morning(ish) I came across one of the best Op-Eds I've read in I don't know how long.
Certainly my personal favorite from Maureen Dowd.
And if you're like me, you care what I think.
Really, why else would you be here?
You can read it too if you want.
In fact, I encourage you to.
Here's a link:

And, in case you were wondering, this is what I had for breakfast(ish)...

And while I'm thinking about it, here's something else someone showed me a while ago.

In other news, today I filed a restraining order against Casey Shea.
You can find out why at our show on Saturday night at Rockwood Music Hall, located in the oblique strategy that is the Lower East Side of Manahattananananah.
We go on at 1am.

And now for some big big big news...
In today's installment of "Ann Courtney Is Dead" I bring you the following evidence of her recent abduction from the constant gardeners of all things not entirely relevant except for the occasional political reporting nobody actually reads, our good friends at Rolling Stone.

Below is the link to the RS article. The astute among you will notice the striking resemblance to the real Ms. Courtney, Ms. Lizzie's wig and my prom dress notwithstanding, but will alas be not fooled as close inspection reveals the young lady in question to be one Jann Courtney. And if that weren't suspicious enough, notice the age. (Ed Note: I would tell you her real age but I spent enough time living in the south to know that's impolite). Only the location is accurate, and in fact matches the last known sighting of Ann.

And to one Ms. Geraldeen Bixley who left this comment on (J)Ann's stunning attire ...
"Hey, I have an idea. Instead of having my OWN style I'm just going to emulate my favorite pop star's style and I'm going to do it very poorly and look like a fool."
... You're endless days of searching for love and happiness have come to a dramatic and promising end. Go ahead and cancel that match.com account and head on over to http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/ ... It sounds to me like Bob Lefsetz were made for each other. You could follow each other around to all sorts of concerts, movies and openings all the while basking in the glory of preconceived notion and projected self fulfilling prophecy. Assuming you're into men that is.

And yes, if you're wondering where all these powers of deductive reasoning come from...
I saw Sherlock Holmes the other week.
It wasn't nearly as good as Avatar.
But it was still pretty awesome.

Finally, a clarification. Thanks to the teeming masses who brought to my attention that yesterday's missive was not without it's lack of attention to detail regarding the foot. To paraphrase the greatest movie in history, "That's what happens when you spill boiling water in the bathtub."

Have a good night...


P.S. Don't forget to call your mom this week.
P.P.S. Don't complain that you don't have time.
P.P.P.S. I've got two of 'em to keep track of.
P.P.P.P.S. In further proof that he's the most popular kid in High School...
P.P.P.P.P.S. Mr. Wakey! Wakey! has got a little muzak on the new iPad commercial thing.
P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Here is a link to be friends with Mike: facebook.com
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Here is a link to the ad: http://www.apple.com/ipad/#video
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Here is a link to the greatest ad ever: youtube.com

1 comment:

  1. Hi, it's me again.

    Thanks for the clarification regarding the infamous Foot Picture. My only criticism is that you still didn't really explain it. The only possible explanation I can come up with is that you spilled boiling water on your foot, resulting in burns dramatic enough to appear in a picture as a bloodstained mess of melted flesh.

    If that is the case...ouch babe.

    - Armenian Pickle
