Please say hello to my new house plant, purchased as a replacement for my old house plant. It's called a money tree. And in theory, or as legend has it, or something, this plant is purported to bring not only money but general good luck to it's caretaker. One assumes that is predicated on said caretaker not killing said plant. I'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, here is a digital representation of my new house plant next to it's cousin, my new 1958(ish) Westinghouse AM Radio...
I'm not really sure what that stain is on the shelf under my new plant. Eventually I'll get around to painting this joint. Cut me some slack would you? Jeez. I can't do everything on your schedule okay?
Speaking of taking my sweet time, last night I finally took a break from positively visualizing my future success and got around to watching Barry's speech wherein he felt it necessary to point out that said speech was the fulfillment of a campaign promise. For some reason he is afraid that people aren't actually paying attention to things that are happening. I can't imagine why.
Apparently before Mr. Big Shot POTUS made his big speech, he called the last guy that got to decorate the Oval Office to ask his opinion on the new drapes that he and Michelle picked out, and to apologize for not including one of his inspirational quotes on the new rug that probably cost a fortune and of course, to ask him if he thought it was in bad taste to say something to the affect of "... It is important to point out, just in case you didn't hear me during the 27 month campaign for POTUS that I ran, that I, Mr. Big Shot POTUS totally disagreed with the last POTUS about going to war in Iraq in the first place ..." while making a speech about what one might describe as a pretty freaking solemn moment for our country. I mean, yeah, it's great we are "drawing combat operations to a close" and all... that's freaking awesome. But, I don't know, it was off-putting to me. The politicking, that is. Sorry. Next time I'll try to find a funny way to say that.
Anyway, in case you forgot, right after the aforementioned speech, about 360 Million people all held hands across the cultural and racial and socio-economic divides that so intricately weave our great nation together into the great band of brother/sister/person/transgenderhood of freedom loving free people that we are in a great American Pie sized chorus of "Kumbaya".
In the event that you don't have any feelings, or are otherwise foreign, you may not be familiar with the song "Kumbaya". If that's the case, you should click on the following bit of text that looks like a hyperlink: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumbaya
In case you didn't click on the aforementioned hyperlink, the description of "Kumbaya" says that it's a popular song to sing when boys are in The Scouts. I for one never sang "Kumbaya" in Cub Scouts. That's probably because I got kicked out after blurting, in an Emmy worthy impersonation of my dad, some or another insensitive remark towards our Den Mother about her being Jewish. I count that episode among the things in life that I regret. But I don't really beat myself up about it since I was just a little boy at the time and now I'm all grown up and I've learned to gauge whether or not the person I am about to direct an insensitive racial, ethnic or religious slur towards will think that what I am saying is funny and not want to kick me out of whatever unconstitutionally exclusive club we happen to be a part of.
Anyway, apparently some dude named "stryderzer0" was not only singing Kumbaya louder than everyone else on August 31st, but is also a really good gauge of the sensitivities of Mr. President Obama:
And speaking of people who really need to get a life, yesterday I spent about 13 hours looking at my google analytics and was pretty impressed that a certain website that talks about the things I think about was googled by people in the following places I had never been to:
Damn. Being famous is pretty cool.
Oh dear, would you look at the time?!?!?! I've got to go to a rehearsal where I am the second best bass player in the band.
P.S. Today is this dead singer's birthday:
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