Let me get straight to the point okay? Just what in the heck were you thinking? I mean, why is the Philadelphia level on THPS2 for iPhone so hard? Right. Yeah, don't get me started.
And speaking of white people who have been described as black, on Monday the 2nd to last POTUS was hanging out in or around Love Park where he defended himself against the same observations, for which no cable network ever paid me a few hundred thousand dollars a year, that I've been making for years.
In unrelated news, when I was a little boy I had what you might call: "A Big Mouth". In retrospect, one can point to some pent up emotional aggression that manifested itself unintentionally violent outbursts of confused sadness. Or something. Anyway until I, depending on your perspective, either grew up, started listening to my mom or learned to use things like drugs and alcohol to suppress a consistently nagging notion that I didn't like Holden Caulfield because he reminded me of myself I just kind of assumed that everyone's mom said things to the affect of: "You Better Learn To Think Before You Speak" and "That Mouth Of Yours Is Gonna Get You Into A Lot Of Trouble". Apparently, I was wrong. Apparently, not everyone had a mom that warned them against not using the general principles of logic when expressing what may or may not be a valid frustration. Or maybe everyone did, but not everyone listened. Anyway, here is today's installment of: "Kids Grow Up To Say The Darndest Things As Embedded Within This Title Of Today's Installment Of Kids Grow Up To Say The Darndest Things In The Form Of A HyperLink".
Oh, and speaking of the walls that birth yourself tomorrow...
Some guy has been taking a big crap all over twitter because the digital representation of a bunch of ideas he had is now available on something I spent three days picking out a new icon for.
Oh, wait. I need a tissue.
Okay, I'm back. While I was in the bathroom getting a tissue, I also took a crap. Actually, I left a crap. You know what I mean. Unless you are foreign. In which case you may not say the opposite of what you mean about what you're doing when you're going to the bathroom.
Speaking of saying exactly what you mean to say all the time and not just because you are thankful for the opportunity to say things on TV that aren't true, I wonder if this guy...
... is bummed out about this?:
Oh, and BTW, as if you need more reminders about Slick Willie's reign of terror, you should watch the following video past the two minute mark. If you don't care about reliving another decade where I didn't get famous and are simply interested in some insight into the thought process of the woman who just may take over Joe Biden's old job in Delware, you'll get all that in the first two minutes. She's the good looking one who is not black.
Finally, I got a new tea kettle yesterday. It's orange. It looks great on the stove. It's also broken. Yes. Already. Son of a bitch.
P.S. Two years ago today, the guy who wrote this song with Roger Waters died:
P.P.S. Four years before that, the really tall guy in this band died:
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