Today's big news centers around me and the targeted ads now available to you by visiting my website. The cool part is that when clicked, in keeping with something called "The American Way" which is of course a behavioral modality based on the premise of American exceptionalism, these ads earn me money for not really doing anything productive. You can see these ads in the lower right hand margin of this site. They are different than the convenient link to retail aggregator Amazon which is still there on the lower right hand corner of this page for your convenient shopping pleasure experience. Go ahead. Buy something.
In related news, today's installment of "When I Was Bullied In Grade School My Mom Used To Say: If You Just Ignore Him He Will Stop Bothering You" ... Here is an update on a story you shouldn't even know about: Whatthefrrejalkjferfhs;lkgsldfhgs;oid!!!!!!!!
And speaking of things you didn't know, you missed a pretty awesome Vanessa Bley show last night. You can learn more about her on something called "". Google Profiles? When did they invent that? Is my name on there? Okay, settle down. Here is the link to Vanessa's google profile as embedded in a digital representation of a photograph of the soundcheck of the show we played last night a place called Cameo, which is, for my money, a pretty damn cool place to play:
This sucks. This blog was a lot better before I started getting this "bad request" error message from gooooooooooogle and then ended up emptying something called "my cache". I don't even know how to pronounce "cache" nor do I know why deleting it deleted half of what I wrote in the last hodfhajdshf;adhs;uzcdlafsn;nlzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Speaking of feeling sorry for me. You should totally watch this while you're wasting your life working for that ungrateful hack of a boss who will never know how behind you are on that big project because he's been glued to craigslist all week wondering when they're gonna take down that censored bar:
Oh crap, I think I forgot to do something.
P.S. Today in 1964 Rod Stewart recorded his first single, proving once again that every male singer in rock wishes he was Elvis.
P.P.S. In November, 2008 some guys recorded a recording of that recording into his computer:
P.P.P.S. On this day in 1974, these guys stopped dressing as women to make a living:
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