I'll give you just over $3.14 if you can prove that not only did you know today was Pi Day but that you also knew why. Of course now that I think about it I, I guess if you knew one or the other, you would have to be a real wiener not to know the other.
If I find out that you're lying, I'll tell your mom right after I give you a wicked charlie-horse.
In unrelated news, you may also be interested to know that you can make a pretty good pie out of rhubarb:
In the interests of full disclosure, when I was a kid, my dad grew rhubarb in our garden in Somers, CT. We used to eat it straight out of the ground as a snack in between him teaching me how to hold back my tears no matter much my feelings were hurt and instilling various methods for avoiding truly intimate relationships.
Also, speaking of wieners, I would like to go on record as having a new found respect for David Bowie for declining to be involved in Peter Gabriel's latest album, a work of self indulgent cover versions of some pretty fantastic songs where in an interview I might have just heard him say that he was genuinely surprised to have learned that "Boy In The Bubble" was really still a cool song even after you stripped away "all the African bits." Just in case you weren't alive in the 1980's and didn't have to ingurgitate Graceland in order to graduate from middle school, or for some reason hate short jewish men who exploit Africa for "all the African bits" as well as a certain "American Chicano rock band", I am please to provide you with this truly fantastic video, clearly wittingly John Cage inspired and someone Mr. Waaaaaaabriel could maybe think about taking a few hints from:
Here's another video. This one features John Cage talking about what Peter Gabriel should be doing:
Here's another video. This is probably the best interpretation I've yet heard of John Cage's most famous composition, at once getting to the heart of the piece and elucidating the subtle intricacies that make it so unique. Oh, right, those are the same thing. Never mind. Anyway, you're not that smart either so shut up about it already would yah?
Here's another thing I found when I couldn't fall asleep last night:
And here's another "high quality video clip" that I might need to "enjoy" right before I fall asleep tonight too:
In today's installment of "Next Blog" ...
The first one I got to was dumb. So I clicked "Next Blog" on the dumb blog and I got here:
In case you're in a rush, the gist of today's contribution to the "Faith Writers (The Home for Christian writers!)" lexicon by Travis Miller was eloquently summed up in the sentence before his penultimate one wherein he provides a glimpse into a truly "divine nature that we cannot even begin to grasp within our frame of mind.": Jesus is the one that is big enough to hand the larger scale things."
Finally, in response to The Big O's latest dim-witted effort to help control costs and improve performance pertaining to issues that by and large have the biggest effect on long term economic stability and overall productivity for the greatest country in the history of countries that have "lost ground" to other nations to the point where we now fear that "the nation that out-educates us today will out-compete us tomorrow ..." former Playgirl centerfold cum Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown said: "... an entire year has gone to waste. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, and many more jobs are in danger. Even now, the president still hasn't gotten the message. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go work on my abs."
And another thing ... here's an example of me playing 8th notes on the root of each chord just like i'll be doing on Tuesday March 30th during Misty Boyce's Album Release show at Mercury Lounge right here in the still rainy and cold NYC:
And one last thing if you don't mind. Assuming you too ever wondered how awesome the Red hot Chili Peppers would be if John Frusciante was also the singer, you should watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxPzZOcObus&feature=related
Assuming you like Anthony Kiedis as a singer because he has the same haircut as me ... you should get a different barber.
P.S. Sometimes I can't tell if my neighbors children are praying or whining after getting the crap beaten out of them.
P.P.S. If you still need something like you need a hole in your head ...
P.P.P.S. You should click on the following link ...
P.P.P.P.P.S. You're welcome.
P.P.P.P.P.P.S. As always, you can say thank you (and help me pay my rent) by purchasing the latest release from Justin, "My World 2.o" via the convenient link to amazon.com located in the right hand margin of this page.
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. You can thank me for that listening experience later ...
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Hint: For help finding a suitable restaurant experience to impress me with your indebtedness ...
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Any of the $$$$$ establishments will do ...
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. And yes, I'm happy to travel to your neighborhood.
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