

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Art Deco 101: I'll Have A Bloody Mary And A Steak Sandwich And A ... Steak Sandwich.


While your boss is thankful that you've been less distracted recently, you should know that I haven't really missed you too at all. Truth be told, I pretty much forgot all about you.

Right now The Big O. is saying things like "I refuse to let that happen," and "administered by a third party" and "multiple economic disasters." And Chris Matthews is pretty sure that Rep Steve King is pretty sure that Michelle just clenched her fist when Barack Hussein Obama mentioned "Katrina and Rita" because he thinks she thinks they are white chicks and she's pretty damn sure someone's gonna write a book that gets great reviews even though it's a snore-fest of facts and figures and well thought out premises all about how his unseemly attraction to patience, reason and basketball ruined the the good name of The White House when he finally has to get a real job in two and a half or five and a half years.

Anyway, now Barry's eloquently talking about "wind turbines" and giving a knowing, benevolent-voice-of-god like emphasis to words like "only if" and "one day" and "I say we can't afford" and will someone please tell me why there's not a cotton-pickin' solar panel on the roof of every stinkin' government building in this the greatest country in the history of countries that may or may not have, in the words of the Great Appeaser, "landed a man on the moon".

Oh, and now he's saying something about how we're blessed by god or something. Whew, I was getting worried that he had switched back to liking England more. And thank god he crossed the proverbial T with a little prayer for our country at the end of something I can only assume will be a quoted speech in the hours to come.

In related news, I spent an hour today living out principle #32 of Jack Canfield's principles to Breakthrough To Success and along the way added the following items to a jigsaw puzzle I like to call "The Old Fashioned Ladies Club":

1. Clicked the send button on seven emails asking people to do things for me that require real time, skill and or talent without offering any legitimate form of compensation for their time, skill and or talent.
2. Watched the youtube clip posted two and a half paragraphs ago and thought "damn, I sure wish I had thought of that." And "damn, I sure hope I don't get lung cancer."
3. Number three is best described using the following visual aid:

4. Got really impressed by some stuff this guy did: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foster_Brooks
5. Got really inspired by the last six bars of this song by the band with the greatest drummer in the history of drummers who are smart enough not to play like some guy who says things like "all my drums have separate voices ... and I look at them all as harmonizing with each oth..." Zzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Anyway, enough about me. I have to get dressed up and go watch the Laker game.



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