Hi Kids,
I just wasted the last 40 minutes of my life reviewing songs for tonight's show with Misty Boyle over at everyones favorite place for a low-key hang of quiet conversation and surprisingly inexpensive yet thoughtfully curated selection of wines: The Canal Room. Thank god I had a great cup o' Joe from the bodega on Marcy and Broadway that has the humongous sign on it's awning advertising 50 Cent Coffee but when you go in they charge you 75 and will most like get a letter from me soon enough on the subject in order to get me through this snore-fest. Speaking of the bodega on Marcy and Broadway that has the humongous sign on it's awning advertising 50 Cent Coffee but when you go in they charge you 75 and will most like get a letter from me soon enough on the subject, there's this kid working there who's always working out his rhyming skillz which are way better than this overrated hack:
Anyway, he had a few pretty good stanzas going with this Hasidic guy, who trying to buy a bunch of newspapers that were definitely not printed in America all about why didn't the guy use his $10 bill to pay for his stuff since the total was $7.35 but instead used a $20 dollar bill and the Hasidic guy answered that he wanted the change and the kid riffed on that for a couple more lines. It was pretty cool and really made me feel like I was part of the streets. Then I got up to the counter and asked for the same thing I always get from this kid: coffee, milk, one sugar. He responded in a hip hop kind of rhythm: coffee, milk, one suagar. I ain't never been ... (insert really long awkward pause) ... with no hooker. It was really disappointing. And he totally knew it. But I kinda laughed anyway like when your friends that have kids go on and on about how smart their kids are and you have to smile and laugh about it because you're just thinking man, doesn't everyone know the difference between blue and orange by the time they're 7 years old? Anyway as I was walking out he called after me, "Yo! I'ma do better next time I see you!" I gave him a thumbs up! It was a real cool United Nations kinda moment actually. I like that kid. Too bad he can't rap for s#!t.
Anyway, I don't have a lot of time cuz like I said, I gotta play this gig and I have to leave for what will most assuredly be an invaluable sound check. And I just got a call from the guy that used to play drums for failed NYC rockers Rich Girls that I'm on the guest list for his show tonight with the worst band that ever blew your band off the stage:
Before I go, in today's installment of "I'll Cry If I Want To" ...
Don't forget to wish my 723rd favorite songwriter in the world a happy birthday:
I'll get back to all the other ageism issues later, promise. And the budgetary stuff too. In the meantime, because I know you're too damn lazy to look it up for yourself, profligacy means: recklessly wasteful.
P.S. There's another cool show happening tonight ...
P.P.S. http://tinyurl.com/knjloa
Matt Basile: the world's most aggressively unenthusiastic sideman.