Speaking of all the typos in yesterday's first draft of "Unemployed Life-Coach Needs Your Help!" today is the day before the birthday of the greatest country in the history of countries where the "leader", or "spokesperson", or "diversity element" (if you're nasty!) of the political party that forged headlong and bullheaded into the most profitable war in the history of wars that Blackwater has ever fought on behalf of the greatest country that apparently didn't read the history books would get caught on tape saying things like this in what appears to be an otherwise successful-standing-room-only-sell-out-crowd of rowdy anti-war protesters:
In case you couldn't really hear that well and haven't been reading the news on Trash Day, I have conveniently copied what I can only assume are an accurate representation of his comments from another website and will intersperse them into the next couple of sentences. Basically Mr. Steele is about to lose his job for saying that Afghanistan is "a war of Obama's choosing" and was "not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in." Further, he went on to seal his fate by making fun of the entire US public school system by at once positing the following and beginning his comment with the ever condescending "Well": "Well, if he is such a student of history," said Steele, "has he not understood that you know that's the one thing you don't do, is engage in a land war in Afghanistan?"
In related news, I was sure I was gonna be the first influential person of letters to wish our country a happy birthday since I was about to do it right here in the next sentence on the day before our countries birthday because I'm not gonna be wasting my time wasting your time tomorrow but apparently I have been beaten to the punch. That's right kids, from our good friends across the pond, I present today's installment of "How To Make A Bomb In The Kitchen Of Your Mom" ...
Click on the image above and you'll be directed to a great article all about how the U.S. is managing the effort to give everyone in the world the opportunity to choose the loved one of their choosing, Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula has produced its first English-language magazine in celebration of our nation's 2010th birthday.
It's called "Inspire," and you can read parts of it by clicking on the picture I told you to click on in the last paragraph. Enjoy.
In unrelated news, the other day I went to something called an "art exhibit" where the "art" was made up of discarded packaging from something called "heroin". From what I can tell, it seems like a pretty useful product.
In related news, I got another gig next week. This is a new one, with singer Abby Rock. Should be fun... and thanks Tim!
Lastly, Thom York called me yesterday and suggested I check out this band which is a lot better than that other group Casey Shea was telling me about that makes a lot of boring videos:
P.S. Wanna go to the beach?
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