Welcome to imbasile. It's my blah blah blog.
Here you'll find me talking about interesting subjects such as the center of the universe and other things I find fascinating. For instance, I just finished my lunch. Fried chicken meal with 2 pieces of bird, a tasty biscuit and two servings of mashed potatoes from Crown Fried Chicken on Broadway in Brooklyn (Marcy stop JMZ if you get a craving). Today the mashed potatoes were, shall we say, less than stellar. It's possible my stomach (or some or another orifice) will actually explode in the next 20 minutes ... Sometimes staying committed to a decision has it's drawbacks. I would bring this up to my therapist, but I don't see her anymore. She talked too much.
In other news... in my continuing search for a wife, I found this posting from Conan O'Brien on craigslist: http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/clt/1551463643.html
Part of me wants to track down NBC President Jeff Zucker and congratulate him on finally finding a way to get people to pay attention to his network again ...
And in keeping with our course focus, I offer you the following anecdote from our good friends at the Human Flesh Search Engine. And for the record, Chris O'Brien (no relation to Conan) needs a haircut. But that's another story ...
Last and least ... I'll be playing with Casey Shea, fearless leader of the worst band on the planet, tomorrow night. Rockwood Music Hall at 9:00pm. You should come, they refinished the floors!
P.S. Last night's show with Vanessa Bley rocked. She is a force. In a good way...
P.P.S. Gatorade. Fruit Punch. I had that with my lunch.
P.P.P.S. I would tell you about the origins of Gatorade, but I'm a Florida State fan.
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