

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... Good thing I checked my email here in London:

There's an open mic happening tomorrow night at Bar 4. Sign up is at 7pm.

Sent from my imBasilePhone

Monday, January 17, 2011

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... London's tribute to the emancipation proclamation, photographed on MLK Day 2011.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... Mrs. Shea = Unimpressed.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... Viva La Telecaster!!!

Fwd: Claim 750,000.00 GBP in the Gnld New year Promo 2011 Send

Even though I'm on a world tour, I still get cool spam.

Sent from my imBasilePhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: w-curry@sbcglobal.net
Date: January 17, 2011 3:20:24 PM GMT
To: undisclosed recipients: ;
Subject: Claim 750,000.00 GBP in the Gnld New year Promo 2011 Send



Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... This may not work. If it does, you'll know it's a video about how no one in England talks in public.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... No rats.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... Worst mom ever.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... No one know who this woman is.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... The Shea's on something called The Tube.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... Actual garbage as seen on one of London's famous red double decker busses.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour

When you visit London someday, remember to ask for your coffee "white". Assuming that you take milk in yours.

You can thank me by telling all your friends to come see the Casey Shea band at wherever we are playing this week.

PS I'll fix the font size when I get home. Stop whining.

Sent from my imBasilePhone

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour

So far I'm experiencing great water pressure.


Sent from my imBasilePhone

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour

Shockingly, it's been raining here in London.

Sent from my imBasilePhone

Sunday, January 16, 2011

As I type, this man is making me 20 Pounds. Sorry Gilber.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... Ummm, the cars are backwards????

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... Somewhere during the flight Casey turned into Ronny Wood.

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour

Apparently people in England speak American too!!!

Thank goodness.

Sent from my imBasilePhone

Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour

Since I quit smoking, I am no longer extending my record, which stands at 14 consecutive flights, for passing through US airport security with a lighter.

Since I am still a rebel, I didn't put my seat in it's full and upright position prior to landing here at London's Heathrow.



Sent from my imBasilePhone

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mobile Technology 101: 1969 – George Harrison Announces He Is Leaving Beatles, Later Returns.


I had to turn off the radio on account of all the talking about Rep. Giffords getting shot in the head and how that kid was unhinged and some other guy calling in to say that the kid coulda just seen a Target advertisement and been inspired to go shooting and how everyone on the show rolled right over the other guy that called in to say something to the effect of: "Hey all you crackers! If that s#!t was done by a black man we'd be having a talk show about the spread of terrorism and orange alerts and ..." a bunch of other stuff that was, errr, dead on the money except that implicit in his point being essentially ignored was the notion that 'This is not the time for the race conversation. This is the conversation about how we have conversations in this country"'. And when Brian Lehrer is sitting there, on the radio, lamenting that if we do things like tone down the "eliminationist rhetoric" and/or have rational discussion using principles of logic or things that can be proved, that he worries about what will happen to our political discourse because he feels so strongly that "we need spirited debate in the United States" and "we need people being snarky about politics in the United States" and on and on as if no one listening to the radio in New York City knew that we were talking about the United States or that it would actually be a problem if people talked about political issues using things like logic or reason or generally stopped yelling and/or lying about one another.

Anyway, speaking of how long it's been since you've talk to your mom, there's a lot of speculation about just what iPhone Verizon will announce tomorrow. Some people think you'll actually be able to make a phone call, but rumor has it that Steve Jobs is really pushing back against that concept on account of it interfering with the longest running practical joke is technological history.

Oh, and since I've successfully distracted you from all the terrible news of the day, I should remind you that on this day in 2006, an Australian woman appeared in court charged with repeatedly stabbing her partner with a pair of scissors in the back, shoulder and thigh because he played Elvis Presley’s song “Burning Love” over and over again.

In related news, I'll be playing bass with Wes Hutchinson, this Friday night, on both sides of the velvet rope at Rockwood Music Hall. Click this sentence to be taken to Wes' website, which ingeniously provides no information about anything unless you count his name. Speaking of limited communication skills, my guess is that the website referenced in the preceding sentence was designed by this guy.



Saturday, January 8, 2011

Modern Dance 101: Marshawn Lynch's Beast-Mode Run Seals Win For Seahawks


(Editor's Note: The initial writing of this entry was rudely interrupted yesterday by something called "My Life". Since it would take me too long to retype and/or retense, if you will, certain sections said entry, I'll leave it to you to be smart enough to figure out which things are not actually happening today or tonight.)


Before we talk about Casey Shea's big announcement that he'll finally be available on the Verizon wireless network tonight at Glasslands I wanted to spend a little bit of time talking about me and how I feel about all about the blatant stereotyping and small mindedness running rampant in the modern dance world. That's right kids, as any self respecting reader of Manhattan magazine knows, this week is APAP. For those of you who don't have self respecting people in your life to tell you about things that are worth doing besides over-eating at the new Checker's on Broadway and Marcy, APAP is "The Nexus For Arts Presenting Worldwide". Now, if you're anything like me, "The Nexus For Arts Presenting Worldwide" means that you took the A train uptown to Columbus Circle for the first time in about 6 years and then walked around in a circle for about four minutes trying to remember which direction 8th Ave. goes. Also, if you're anything like me, once you got your bearings straight you might then have found yourself at the corner of 55th St. and 9th Ave. talking to yourself in phrases like: "Oh, yeah. Alvin Ailey. Where is number 405? He's dead. Damn, this place looks pretty nice. AIDs. I think that woman might not be wearing clothes. Same with Rock Hudson."

(Editor's Note: The girl who used to be sitting next to me was reading a book called: Generosity.)

(Editor's Note: This is about the point in my day that I used to have my first cigarette.)

(Editor's Note: As if there was any doubt that the rest of the band needs to play louder, I just got recognized as the bass player from Mother Feather.)

(Editor's Note: Being thus warmed up, or not being able to think of anything to say, this is about the point in my day that I used to have my second cigarette.)

Anyway, APAP. It's kind of like South By South West for Modern Dance. Except that I've never been to SXSW and I think that music festivals are a scam. To be fair, I guess I kinda think that most things are a scam, which by dint of percentages might make what was a scam no longer a scam but just the way things are. Another example might be say, congressional representatives. Scam? Or just the way things are? Depends. Anyway, I got into this APAP thing for free for the same reason everyone else that wasn't on the stage did: It was a free event unless you were on stage. The people on the stage got to pay to be there and perform for people who may or may not have the power to decide to book them at a venue where you might make enough money to break even on production costs. Sounds like a pretty great deal. Or a scam. Or, a labor of love.

(Editor's Note: Hawai'i is the correct spelling of the word "Hawaii".)

Anyway, you may or may not be surprised to learn that my knowledge of "Modern Dance" pretty much begins and ends with me perfecting something called "The Moon Walk" in front of the floor to ceiling mirror covered wall in the Basile family living room back in the winter of 1984. So you can imagine my shock to bear witness to the myriad displays blatant stereotyping and small mindedness of the modern dance world. Take for instance The GIMP Project. Yes, you read that right and yes I typed it right. And yes, I know. Don't get me started with the name. I mean, are people even allowed to say gimp anymore? And what's more, the Ms. Latsky who conceived this project wherein she would make a spectacle of people being disabled, didn't even have the vision to use non-disabled people to do the disabled dancing. That's right. Actual people with disabilities dancing on a stage next to people who are not, at least physically, disabled. As if nothing could be more normal. Anyway, if you thought that was bad, just wait for about three and a half seconds when I tell you about the black dancers in the Baker and Tarpaga company. I mean, come on. You mean to tell me that just because your dance company is based in Africa and your piece requires that the dancers hit predetermined rhythmic cues that you can only use black dancers? Stereotype alert!

(Editor's Note: This is about the point in my day that I used to think about how the thing I have been writing doesn't seem to be as funny as I thought it would be and then go have a cigarette. No, I just get to sit here and either stare at this screen and feel sorry for myself, or open another browser window and read some more fluff on TalkingPointsMemo.)

And speaking of the as yet attempted assassination of Gabrielle Giffords and all the other fluff featured on TalkingPointsMemo, here's a little something I call "Cut And Paste":

An aide to Sarah Palin claims the crosshairs depicted in her now-infamous target list of Democrats were not actually gun-sights, and that it's "obscene" and "appalling" to blame Palin for the shooting.

"We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights. It was simply cross-hairs like you'd see on maps," said Rebecca Mansour on the Tammy Bruce radio show. Moreover, there was "nothing irresponsible" about the image, and to draw a line connecting Palin and Saturday's shooting is "obscene" and "appalling."

[TPM SLIDESHOW: Across the Nation, Vigils Held for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords]

You can see the original image below. Mansour called the crosshairs "surveyor marks." Palin has removed the list from her PAC website, but not from her Facebook page.

"I don't understand how anybody could be held responsible for somebody who is completely mentally unstable like this. Where I come from the person that is actually shooting is the one that's culpable," Mansour said, before intimating that the suspect, Jared Loughner, is actually a liberal. "It seems that he people that knew him said that he was left-wing and very liberal -- but that is not to say that I am blaming the left."

[TPM SLIDESHOW: Dem Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona]

"I never went out and blamed Al Gore or any environmentalist for the crazy insane person who went to shoot up the Discovery Channel," she said.

[H/T: Ben Smith]

Late update: A reader points out that Palin herself referred to the crosshairs/gun sights as "bullseyes" after the election.

I think the moral of the story is "The Proliferation Of Guns Makes It Easier For Crazy People To Kill Other People" but I'm not totally sure.



Friday, January 7, 2011

Healthcare 101: "No One Ever Went Broke Underestimating The Intelligence Of The American Public"


Man, are you missing some great snow. By the time you claw your way out from under the mountain of depression and bedding the snow will probably have stopped. You should know that it's the fat version of snow. The kind you are lead to believe is gonna be falling on Christmas day when you're a little kid. Unless you grew up in Florida. Nobody there tried to trick you into thinking there would be the fat kind of snow on Christmas morning. Which, being from Connecticut, is pretty freakin' weird to me. Snow was a major motif throughout my childhood. But by the time I got moved to Florida, I was old enough to know that almost everything anyone had ever told me was probably either a lie or misinformation, so I didn't really spend much time wondering what the little kids in Florida got told when they asked their parents what was gonna happen on Christmas since they didn't have any snow or chimneys. Maybe kids in Florida overall get lied to less? And since lying is bad, that must make Florida good. Which pretty much blows up all of my other feelings about life and how mine would have been so much better if I had never been moved to Florida except that I wouldn't have Florida to indiscriminately blame for some of the various shortcomings I suffer from. Some might say that I have at times placed a value add on the state of Florida which is not directly proportional to the consequences of my actions. But lucky for Florida, I don't live there anymore. So Florida doesn't have to feel like I am discriminating against them or any portion of their population while they are busy electing people to run their state who are not interested in living in the 21st century and are only more than happy to do that for them.

In related news, my life's dream of being the oldest living cigarette smoker has been cut short by an indeterminate number of years. Now, I know what you're thinking. And I agree. Three to four thousand dollars a year is a small price to pay for a real quality case of lung cancer. But after 21 years, I guess I've grown impatient. So I quit.

What's that? No, I'm not gonna bore you with a play by play of the withdrawl. Partly because I have trouble spelling the word. And partly because, aside from thinking about how much of a sucker I have been for the better part of, oh my entire adult life, I don't really feel much different. I might be a little more sleepy. And I might have a more consistent level of energy throughout the day. But there's no way to be sure because I've gotten so good at neglecting the way I feel by making sure I looked cool. Anyway, fortunately there are lots of important news stories to read over at the Huffington Post should I get the urge to have a puff.

And speaking of important news, the Casey Shea band will be either opening for or playing after The Prigs tomorrow night at Glasslands. While you're there singing along and dancing along to our good friend and guest drummer Jamie Alegre (The Dig), don't forget to buy a t-shirt and a couple records for your cousins back home. They'll thank you for the music and the clothes. And the Casey Shea band will thank you for the ability to eat.

And speaking of boooooooring! If you know people in any foreign countries, please tell them that the Casey Shea band will be playing with the Wakey! Wakey! band in London, UK later this month at a place called The Bedford and another place called The Relentless Garage. How a garage could get to be relentless is beyond me. Apparently the people in the UK aren't native English speakers. Anyway, if you go looking for the website for a venue called The Bedford in London, UK and then click on the calendar where it says "January 19th, 2011", you might be confused when you see the following listing ...

... But I'm not worried. When Wes Verhoeve says there's a plan, there's definitely a plan.
