Before I got to FLA to collect my award for Best Son In The World, I was sitting in Thompkins Square park getting chess tips from the locals when I remembered I needed to finish a few songs for this show you're looking forward to on the 18th. Upon aping a scribes pose on my favorit bench I was unterupted by Michelle, Bobby and Krystal. Three bright eyed 20 somethings who said they were on a scavenger hunt and one of their objectives was to find a guy wearing a black blazer with green shoes. Apparently they spotted my new airwalks from about a mile away and approached all cheery and bright eyed and apologetic for interupting me. I didn't mind though because I love scavenger hunts. They feel like the best parts of life all crammed into an exciting afternoon and always make for a great way to learn more about the sights and sounds of whatever place it is you happen to find yourself scavenging. So of course I said hey, no problem what can i help you find? And then I realized they were a different kind of apologist when they asked me if, since meeting said discription, I had any issues in my life that I would like them to pray for me for. I thanked them for being so well intentioned but that in fact, my sport coat was a dark brown with pin stripes.
Anyway, my dumb song is a condensed paraphrasation of a story I heard about a guy who's family, on account of his being more attracted to people that (like him) had a blue room when they were kids, had a decidedly, shall we say f@%$d up reaction to the news of his being more attracted to people that (like him) had a blue room when they were kids. Or something.
In unrelated news, if you're a Christian rocker, you should move to the Christian rock capital of the universe. Which is apparently Central FLA.
P.S. My back is totally sunburnt.
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