Saturday, January 22, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... Quote of the week:
"That stuck out like a needle in a haystack!"
-Langhorne Shea
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Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ...
Check out to watch the Casey Shea band play in a foreign country tonight at 8:30 GMT... Which is of course 3:30 EST
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour ... Good thing I checked my email here in London:
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Monday, January 17, 2011
Fwd: Claim 750,000.00 GBP in the Gnld New year Promo 2011 Send
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Date: January 17, 2011 3:20:24 PM GMT
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Subject: Claim 750,000.00 GBP in the Gnld New year Promo 2011 Send
Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour
You can thank me by telling all your friends to come see the Casey Shea band at wherever we are playing this week.
PS I'll fix the font size when I get home. Stop whining.
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Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour
Sent from my imBasilePhone
Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour
Sent from my imBasilePhone
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour
Thank goodness.
Sent from my imBasilePhone
Delayed Live Blog From The Casey Shea World Tour
Since I am still a rebel, I didn't put my seat in it's full and upright position prior to landing here at London's Heathrow.
Sent from my imBasilePhone
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Mobile Technology 101: 1969 – George Harrison Announces He Is Leaving Beatles, Later Returns.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Modern Dance 101: Marshawn Lynch's Beast-Mode Run Seals Win For Seahawks
An aide to Sarah Palin claims the crosshairs depicted in her now-infamous target list of Democrats were not actually gun-sights, and that it's "obscene" and "appalling" to blame Palin for the shooting.
"We never ever, ever intended it to be gun sights. It was simply cross-hairs like you'd see on maps," said Rebecca Mansour on the Tammy Bruce radio show. Moreover, there was "nothing irresponsible" about the image, and to draw a line connecting Palin and Saturday's shooting is "obscene" and "appalling."
[TPM SLIDESHOW: Across the Nation, Vigils Held for Rep. Gabrielle Giffords]
You can see the original image below. Mansour called the crosshairs "surveyor marks." Palin has removed the list from her PAC website, but not from her Facebook page.
"I don't understand how anybody could be held responsible for somebody who is completely mentally unstable like this. Where I come from the person that is actually shooting is the one that's culpable," Mansour said, before intimating that the suspect, Jared Loughner, is actually a liberal. "It seems that he people that knew him said that he was left-wing and very liberal -- but that is not to say that I am blaming the left."
[TPM SLIDESHOW: Dem Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Shot In Arizona]
"I never went out and blamed Al Gore or any environmentalist for the crazy insane person who went to shoot up the Discovery Channel," she said.

Late update: A reader points out that Palin herself referred to the crosshairs/gun sights as "bullseyes" after the election.