

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Culinary Arts 101: This Morning I Almost Lost A Thumb In A Fight With A Cheese Grater


Okay, let's get a couple of things straight. First of all, it's way too late in the day for you to be wondering what I had for breakfast. I mean, by this point in the day I've even done all the dishes and reset the fruit bowl on the kitchen table in a manner I like to call: "Just so." So, pity for you that it's gonna have to be your imagination that fills you in on how wonderful my morning was with a plate full of grits and eggs and bacon an mushrooms and tomatoes, a cappuccino on the side, and an extra helping of Adele's "21" on the old hi-fi.

Speaking of pity, one thing I will tell you about is a little article (er op-ed? errrrrrrr open letter to the ego?) that I read, while eating the breakfast that was better than yours, by one Alec Baldwin. Don't know who Alec Baldwin is? He's the guy you thought was pretty cool for making those funny Call To Action spots for WNYC's recent fundraiser wherein he sounds particularly funny saying the name Sylvia Pujoli. He's also the guy that had this popular film role written specifically for him:

All of that is just to remind you about why Alec Baldwin apparently matters enough that I would read an entry in today's HuffingtonAOLPost.portal.blog.com.whatever entitled '"Two And A Half Men" Is Better Than None' by Alec Baldwin and proceed to almost throw up on myself at about the half way point, whereupon I realize that "Holy crap, Alec Baldwin is actually not making the needed and appropriately impassioned plea for people to recognize that his colleague Mr. Charlie Sheen is actually a profoundly hurting, suffering, sick person who needs help and support and that while it's understandable that people find some humor in the seemingly self inflicted train wrecks of celebrities, perhaps the media could just back off and not report on it all so much and thus, like, ultimately kind of, you know, make it all kind of worse and more sad than it needs to be. No! He's not saying that at all! He's actually just making a bad anecdotal comparison to his own career and using his own prestige to get top billing on a website that attracts roughly 1.5 billion visits per day to make the apparently-not-completely-obvious-to-everyone-else point that there are some people in the business end of the entertainment business who are scoundrels."

By the way Alec, for the record, I have donated to WNYC a few times. This year I didn't. Mainly because someone else I know did and I can just read her copy of the New Yorker. Whatever, I bought the radio.

Anyway, in today's episode of the occasional series "Next Blog," I am thrilled to present to you a site which recently won the award for "Best Conceptual Use Of Brevity By A Blog" at the Matt Basile Awards For Things He Finds Interesting Awards Show ... drummmmmmmrrrrrroooooooooolllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!: http://fightingflashinglights.blogspot.com/
In related news, the award for "Best Show You're Gonna See At 10pm On Monday Night" goes to ... drummmmmmmrrrrrroooooooooolllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!: Andy Fitzpatrick at Rockwood Music Hall.



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