Good Afternoon,
One can imagine your dismay at this weeks gap in missives and disappointment to learn that I've no good excuse. Rest assured though, that I have been healthy, reasonably not unhappy and of course well fed. Just this morning I had a wonderful sausage and egg sandwich at the uniquely named and classically appointed Diner. Located on the picturesque block of Broadway and Berry in S. Williamsburg, this place is so self consciously behind and within the times as to make you at once want to keep note it for all your visiting friends from Manhattan as further proof of the many fine Brooklyn brunch purveyors and throw up in your mouth. Or on the counter. Or ask the waitstaff just what the hell it was that the quarterback of his upper middle class high school football team did to him in the locker room shower after being named Home Coming King that made him so lacking in basic social graces, let alone manners as related to the profession of waiting tables?
In other news, I read a pretty cool interview with Brian Eno. Here are the two best parts according to me:
"If you grow up in a very strong religion like Catholicism you certainly cultivate in yourself a certain taste for the intensity of ideas. You expect to be engaged with ideas strongly whether you are for or against them. If you are part of a religion that very strongly insists that you believe then to decide not to do that is quite a big hurdle to jump over. You never forget the thought process you went through. It becomes part of your whole intellectual picture..."
"I think records were just a little bubble through time and those who made a living from them for a while were lucky. There is no reason why anyone should have made so much money from selling records except that everything was right for this period of time. I always knew it would run out sooner or later. It couldn't last, and now it's running out. I don't particularly care that it is and like the way things are going. The record age was just a blip. It was a bit like if you had a source of whale blubber in the 1840s and it could be used as fuel. Before gas came along, if you traded in whale blubber, you were the richest man on Earth. Then gas came along and you'd be stuck with your whale blubber. Sorry mate – history's moving along. Recorded music equals whale blubber. Eventually, something else will replace it..."
You can read the whole shebang here:
I have an Irish friend who found Mr. Eno's thoughts on being raised Catholic particularly interesting considering his being English. Having been raised Catholic but never having been oppressed I thought his thoughts were just interesting on their own. I could also use them as a segue to todays installment of "This Day In History - or - Are We Really Still Debating This?" ...
That's right, today marks the 37th anniversary of the SCOTUS landmark decision in the case of Roe V. Wade. Like you, I have my own views on the subject. They are many, varied and... nevermind. Anyway, today on the NPR show Tell Me More, Michel Martin conducted two pretty interesting interviews on the subject. Since the show is over now, you can read or listen to them here:
Moving right along to today's installment of "How Do You Spell MassachusettEs - or -Why Aren't We Debating This?" ...
While this may seem petty, I kinda do think Ms. Coakley deserved to lose if for no other reason than having a campaign ad that misspelled her state. Politics is local. And furthermore, it's 2010... I can't even misspell Massachusetts here without it being highlighted. Anyway, that's not even the point. There's about 618 reasons she woulda lost even if her copywriter wasn't working off a 1904 Underwood No. 5. The obvious point is, shouldn't we be wondering why Scott Brown can be elected to the US Senate after doing this in Playgirl:
... And Carol Shaya got fired from the NYPD for doing this in Playboy:
... and the fact that Brown was elected to the Senate by the same party that practically ground our country to a legislative halt for the latter half of the Clinton presidency over something his wife didn't even divorce him over is... oh, never mind.
Now, in further evidence to my unending importance to the world at large, I'm off to show Ann Courtney ( how to transfer mp3's from iTunes onto her iPod. Isn't it great having a man around?
P.S. For the teaming masses who've missed hearing me miss the notes, you're in luck.
P.P.S. I'll be singin' one of my favorite songs at the Lucinda Williams tribute show at Banjo Jims next week.
P.P.P.S. It might be almost as good as singing Poison Ivy at karaoke with 2/4ths of The Dig (
P.P.P.P.S. But not nearly as fun as Hoggin' with Goggin'.
P.P.P.P.P.S. Don't ask.
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