

Monday, February 22, 2010

American History 101: How Canada Became The 51st State

OK, first things first. Before you start in about how I haven't been keeping up and how you've been checking in and where was I and how come I'm suddenly so inconsistent it might be time for you to think about not just why it is you come here everyday but what exactly it is you think you're looking for. Since I'm so insightful and helpful I'm going to be for you at once insightful and helpful right now and provide the following:

Anyway, how's it going? I sure hope you had a nice wee... Zzzzzzzz.

Anyway, I don't know if you ever noticed but in the top bar thing of this page there is a link to "next blog". It's a kind of internal goggle/blogspot advertising that takes you to a different blogspot blog each time you click on it and one of these days I'm gonna find the html code for it and delete it because I really feel like it's messing up the aesthetic that I've got going on here. In the meantime, I though it might be fun to click on "next blog" and see where it takes me ...

But before I do that I just wanna say to the young lady who critiques my creative editing of the grammatical rules of the American language that I appreciate her observations and will try to do better in the future and also that she should continue to create her own destiny whenever possible ...

Anyway, so I clicked "next blog" and it took me here: http://grand947.blogspot.com/?expref=next-blog
I don't have much to say other than a general expression of dubiety towards the adult content of google's blogspot contributors:

Gamma! Really?

Anyway, in related news: I had no idea that there was Women's Ice Hockey in the Olympics.

In unrelated news: Tonight I did an amazing job of turning the lights off in between songs at the NickCasey gig at The Living Room (where Chris Cubeta and The Liars Club will be headlining a show this Saturday night featuring the best opening act in the history of bands to open for Chris Cubeta and The Liars Club: The Casey Shea Band) and while I was there, pretty much no one gave two craps that the USA Men's Hockey Team offered an encore performance of the mostly forgotten about and not even a little bit hoped for encore performance of the 1980 Miracle On Ice, sans cold war or this being a game for the gold medal or really any kind of hard feelings, eh? Said some Russian guy that no one's even heard of, Vladislav Tretiak, when reminded that he got to sit on the bench and contemplate how his underestimation of the greatest country in the history of Hockey teams that play with heart had singlehandedly paved the way for US domination of the entire free world: "They made a very nice movievery patriotic ... I applaud the Americans for making a very nice movie ... very patriotic and very good for kids. The memories came back to me."

And, in case you too had to miss most of tonight's game on account of having to turn the lights off between songs of your 534th favorite band in NYC, here are some highlights:



P.S. Zzzzzzzzzzz ...
P.P.S. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...
P.P.P.S. Droooooooooooool.
P.P.P.P.S. Boner?

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion it only the beginning. I suggest you to try to look in google.com
