In case you haven't been paying attention, today is the day after July 27th, 2010.
I only point that out because if you're anything like me, you have a tendency to forget important dates. Or dates that other people think are important. Like the 14 times in my life that I've had a blisteringly mind-numbing row with a temporary significant other on account of my forgetting said soon to be former significant other's birthday. Or like how I can't ever really remember any dates of historical significance besides the year the greatest country in the history of countries to be really pissed off at wikileaks was born. That's 1776 in case you're foreign and don't want to be deported. Or if you have a really good tan and happen to be passing through Arizona.
(Editor's Note: Actually, I'm pretty good at remembering when rock and roll albums were released. But I'm not sure if releasing a rock and roll record counts as making HIStory.)
Anyway, back to me and the things I forget ...
Damn. I just forgot what I wasn't remembering.
Anyway, like I started to say... If you're anything like me, you could not have been more overjoyed to see Steve Jobs' line of iProducts come together over the last decade. Since, if you're like me, you know how much they help make you seem like you've really come a long way towards getting you s#!t together, even if you really are getting tired of the whole Safari vs. Flash business. And even though you've always wondered why it's not called iSafari. Or more pressing, why is THIS not called an iPad? Because 'ol Stevie Jobie didn't hire me as the "Consistency In Branding Czar" like I told him to, that's why.
What? There's already an iPad and Mike Grubbs was the first person in the L.E.S./Brooklyn music scene to own one? Hmm. Okay... well, let me try this thing that someone told me about and see what I can find out about this so-called iPad.
"Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock."
(Editor's Note: Special thanks to Mike Vitacco and all the wonderful folks at Nutmeg Audio Post for what we in the "business" call: Sound Affects.)
(Senior Editor's Note: That's "Sound Effects".)
Okay. I'm back from crowd surfing the nether regions of Htmlland and here's what I've found:
I have found that I think this iPad really should've been called something else. Like, how about: "iPuter"? This way you could download the free third party application "Atomic Fart" and then invite all your friends over and say things like: "Hey Jimmy, check out the atomic farts coming from my iPuter!"
In the interests of full disclosure, I don't have any friends named Jimmy. But I do have a cousin named Jimmy who once fell off of a telephone pole and spent a few months walking around with a cast on his head. That's actually my first memory of him. If you never had a cousin named Jimmy who walked around for a few months with a cast on his head, you should look at the life-like, water-marked for copyright protection, digital representation of what happens when you fall off of a telephone pole pictured below ...
In unrelated news, today is pretty special. For starters, today marks 100 Days that God has been making a point against gay marriage by filling the Gulf Of Mexico with something called: The fundamental component of pretty much everything you use on a given day. Or, put it another way: The building "block" of of pretty much everything you use on a given day. Or perhaps, the corner "stone" of pretty much everything you use everyday.
(Editor's Note: Before you go getting all in a huff and start throwing a temper tantrum over my "incorrect" use of "quotations" in the preceding two sentences, I'll have you know that I'm pretty sure I've thought this through and I'm pretty certain that I'm using them correctly on account of employing what I'd like to call a "creative device" in order to highlight certain words based on the current vernacular and thus inform the reader that said "quotated" words might just be getting the literary "quotation" treatment for an instructive reason.)
The astute among you are surely not wondering why I put quotations marks around the words "block" and "stone". Those of you who are too busy buying the "Nylon Tricot High-Waist Swim Brief" for your hot girlfriend from should click anywhere on the rest of this sentence.
In the interest of full disclosure, I've honestly completely forgotten why I "quotated" those words. Unfortunately, I can't be here all day re-writig every little thing in order for it to make "sense" to you, so you'll just have to imagine that I'm making it. "Sense" that is.
Anyway, it's hard to believe you're still reading this. And speaking of reading, today I woke up and read the message from my iCal alarm as displayed on my iPhone (which was of course synched to what obviously should be called my iMacBook so that I got to read it again when I turned that on). Fresh from a restful night of oh so peaceful things that my former therapist called "anxiety dreams", I took a little trip down something I like to call: "The Last 17 Years of Matt Basile's Memory Lane". And as I remembered all things I never got to ask my dad, I did stop for a moment to thank Steve Jobs and his ilk for putting the benefits of modern technology within the buying power reach of middle class men such as myself. Along the way, helping me to remember the things I used to forget.
Oh, and since I did used to forget, I used that thing I told you about before just to make sure I didn't have the date wrong last year when my former therapist suggested that remembering things could prove to be an important part of something she called: "Your Healing Process, Matthew". As it turns out, this time I remembered right:
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