Geez! Did you ever stop to notice how good looking all the people that go to the kinds of coffee shops I go to are? And no I'm not just talking about me. Of course there's usually the one employee behind the counter who secretly makes you wonder how they got hired. They must have known somebody. Or maybe they worked at whatever this place was before all the good looking people started opening up stores for other good looking people to go to and the good looking proprietor or proprietoress just couldn't bear to be the good looking person that put the person who was born in the neighborhood out of work. Anyway, since you may or may not know me, you can imagine how good looking I am. So if you picture me and then picture about twenty other people, making some of them girls instead of boys and still others make of indeterminate ethnic origin instead of white, and then picture that I am not even the best looking of the bunch, although pretty damn close to it, you have a pretty good sense of the kind of scene I'm in right now. Yeah, even the girls with weird noses and the guys with suspect hair styles are way better looking than wherever it is that you're from. Except for the small group of traveling Europeans. They sure dress frumpy. And we're not even in Manahattahatan. We're in Brooklyn. In the NYC. In the NY State. In the USA. In the Americas. God, you really have blessed America. Thank you.
In related news, today The Big O. is sending me twitter messages that say things like: "I'm committed. Are you?" Sounds a little desperate if you ask me. Is he really worried that I'm not committed to my relationship with him? Of course I'm committed, Barry. For as long as it is politically advantageous. I've learned from the best.
Holy crap! Today is Dizzy Gillespie's birthday! He of course falls into the category of people who you know are and or were great but who's music you never really got around to listening to. Anyway, you can find out more about Dizzie Gillespie by going here: Then click on the icon for the word "google". This of course will only work today. No. You shut up.
In related news, tonight the annual CMJ Music Festival offers you it's featured performance of the 2010 festivities down at the charming and always welcoming Rockwood Music Hall. Directly following Danny Ross will of course be someone else. I suggest using the bridge of Danny's last song as a cue for you exit, so as to avoid that awkward feeling of seeing a grown man cry when Casey notices you leaving during the middle of Love Is Here To Stay.
In unrelated news, the album "Love Is Here To Stay" may not be available through But you should still click on the convenient link to in the right hand margin of this page just to be sure. While you're there, I could use another pair of Levi's 514 jeans. Waist: 29. Inseam: 32. And thanks.
Holy Crap! Remember all the good looking people I was telling you about earlier today? You can't even believe how good looking the person who's reflection I just saw in the mirror was. Wow.
Finally, I'd be remiss if I didn't raise my Old Fashioned glass and toast the continuing editorial prowess of The Huffington Post. Just when I was about to tell you all about some fluff story about some guy who does nothing but focus on the way people dress, my attention was thankfully drawn to the accompanying photos of yet another Pulitzer Prize winning article regarding, in the words of Katie Couric's Notebook, "a lot of bigger problems in the world right now". For the full story, click on the photo below of a half-naked twenty four year old best known for her role as teenager Rachel Berry.
Oh. No problem. You can thank me next Wednesday at The Old Fashioned Ladies Club (Sponsored By: Harris Radio). What's that? Yeah, we're gonna be back at Parkside Lounge. Ummm, I think it's the 27th. Yeah, it's totally the 27th. At 11. Yeah, 11pm. You think we'd be doing a freaking hour long Variety show at 11 in the morning? No, it's free. Yeah, I mean, we pass a tip bucket thing. But it's basically free. Oh. What? Yeah, it's a pretty involved show. Next week? I think there's gonna be one, two, three, four ... seven ... about 13 different parts to the show. Yeah, pretty much totally different than last weeks show. No. I'm not kidding. There's gonna be a magician. And this other guy who can juggle in time to music. No I can't tell you what song he's gonna juggle to. But I can tell you that if you're familiar with the work of Tom Dowd, you're gonna have a good time. Oh, and Flanagan Smith is gonna be there too.
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