Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Wrahhk 101: Live Photo Blog of Mother Feather in The Studio. Step Two...
Sent from my imBasilePhone
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Public Health 101: White House Christmas Tree Arrives
Right now Joe Frank is on WNYC. He just made the comparison between sleepwalking and how, to paraphrase, the moment one realizes that he or she has wasted his or her life comes all too quickly, while the process of wasting said life is usually pretty long and drawn out. Although if a young person, say 19 years old, suddenly died after 17 months of drinking 37 orange sodas a day and eating a multivitamin every 2 minutes just to see how florescent he could make his pee, you could say that the process of wasting his life was relatively short in comparison to say, the life of United States Senator Lindsey Graham.
In related news, I just got an email that says:
"Matchless (@BarMatchless) is now following your tweets (@imbasile) on Twitter."
And speaking of dlfahsdlkjfhsdufglsdkgjhsdlgkslhdfs;a ... I also read about Alaska in the Huffington Post today and I was about to make a pretty mediocre joke about how coincidental it was that a certain former Governor, who Barbara Bush also thinks is kind of hot, has been traveling in an out of the Share The Wonder state over the last year or so and in a certain time period, of about a year or so, cases of something called Gonorrhea have filled the state with a state of hot air, or ballooned if you're nasty, that can only be described as a major outbreak. But now I'm not gonna bother with that joke because I'm all distracted because something called My Facebook Page is literally exploding with messages about someone who is actually funny that I just found out died. Find out why people in Germany care by viewing the convenient unauthorized distribution of a motion picture video clip below:
In related news, The Old Fashioned Ladies Club returns on Wednesday, December 1st with a revisionist history of The 336th Day Of The Year!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Constitutional Amendments 101: Minn. Pol With Gun Outside Abortion Clinic Says He Was Just In Area 'Checking On' His Girlfriend
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Variety 101: The Best Show We'll Do Tomorrow Night!
In case you've been too busy fretting over the conflicting messages being delivered to your fat kids from the USDA ...
You may have missed a recent Reuters story outlining some of the finer points of geopolitics facing our great nation.
Fortunately for you and your short attention span, I've taken the liberty of condensing said article down to the following sentence:
"Iran is ready to hold its first talks with world powers in more than a year about its disputed nuclear program any time after November 10, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said..." and "... has dismissed the impact of sanctions and shown no sign of backing down over ..." this timeline because "... it says it has a sovereign right to ..." attend The Old Fashioned Ladies Club on Wednesday night.
That's right kids!
The OFLC returns with a with a revisionist recipe on the classic variety show cocktail this Wednesday, November 10th at 11pm.
Three parts Music. One part Sketch Comedy. One part Vaudeville. Three Special Guests. Dash Political Satire.
Combine comedy and vaudeville in Old Fashioned glass and muddle. Add music and political satire over ice and stir. Garnish with special guests. Serve with a smile.
P.S. The OFLC is sponsored by Harris Radio
Monday, November 8, 2010
Variety 101: Inside The Bruising Dem Leadership Fight
Having fallen behind for the last ten or so days, you'll just have to assume that my life is either pretty important or at the least more interesting than the life of a person who keeps coming here looking for points of interest to bring up at dinner parties where you play the role of ivy-league-educated upper-middle-class thirty-something-mom on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Anyway, here's a little recap of what you've been missing.
1. The movie Tempest starring a young version of everyone's favorite hot older woman is pretty lame. Except for Molly. She was great. A real natural.
2. I'm gonna update the gig section of this page when I finish typing this sentence.