I'm home. If you're looking for an excuse, you're not gonna get one. If you're looking for a fight, keep asking your dumb questions. Got it?
I'm gonna eat my dinner now, if you don't mind...?

What's that? No, I didn't make enough rigatoni for you. Huh? Yes, that's true, I could at least say I'm sorry. Because I didn't. And besides, I only have one chair and one Fender Twin so there wouldn't be anywhere for you to A. sit, or B. put your food.
Man, that was good. I should open a god damn restaraunt.
If only I could ever remember how to spell restuarant.
"It’s not whether or not Obama offers an olive leaf to the Repulicans, it’s the quality of what the Republicans are offering vs the ideas that the Democrats are offering as ideas that are important."
Man, that was good. I should open a god damn restaraunt.
If only I could ever remember how to spell restuarant.
... I guess I shoulda stayed in college after all.
... I guess I shoulda stayed in college after all.
Anyway, I don't have a lot of time, on account of I'm going to see a foreign film with someone you probably don't know but probably looks great in a Laker Girl uniform, so I'm just gonna get right to the big news of the day...
According to this headline, which is incidentally the longest and most read headline in the history of headlines, from the New York Times:
"Republicans Were Right, Death of Murtha Proof That Socialized Healthcare Is A Bad Idea and Government Really Can't Do Anything Right"
"Republicans Were Right, Death of Murtha Proof That Socialized Healthcare Is A Bad Idea and Government Really Can't Do Anything Right"
Here are some excerpts from the article in order of least to most intriguing...
Said Speaker Of The House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA): "We're f#@ked!"
While the big O surmised: "This is a teachable moment."
And continued with a spirited and eloquent call to "... re-calibrate the Health Care Bill and basically just do whatever John Boehner says from now on."
The great appeaser also began his response to about 14 different press conference questions with, "Listen ..."
Meanwhile, man on the street Rudolfo Gregorio, a General Santos, Philippines barber simply shook his head, repeating: "He was not such a good singer."
Reader comments following the article offered unique insights into the health care debate, Murtha's proud public service legacy and a barometer of the nation's familiarity with common idioms:
"The olive leave to the republicans is all a sham ..."
- hankster6
"It’s not whether or not Obama offers an olive leaf to the Repulicans, it’s the quality of what the Republicans are offering vs the ideas that the Democrats are offering as ideas that are important."
- twagas
Especially intense was the grief shared by former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) who dismissed the timing of Murtha's death as further evidence of liberal conspiracy as he was not able to include an ovation to the deceased in his tactful speech at last weekend's Tea Party Convention in Nashville. In case you missed that speech because you were too busy reading the Bob Lefsetz mailbag in response to his dumb comments about the Super Bowl and The Who and were especially impressed by my witty response which was included among the sixteen hundred other electronic letters he received, I looked up a couple quotes using google, just to make sure I wasn't mishearing his speech or anything, copied and pasted them for you to read here and put them in order of most to least intriguing...
On the majority of Americans who voted in the 2008 Presidential race: "... people who could not even spell the word 'vote', or say it in English, put a committed socialist ideologue in the White House. His name is Barack Hussein Obama."
On why said Americans were eligible to vote in the first place: "... we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country."
On John McCain: "... thank God John McCain lost the election."
On The America's Cup 2010 which began today: "The race for America is on right now."
In related news, The Casey Shea Band has returned home safe and sound. After a whirlwind three day world tour culminating in a 3/4 capacity crowd in Cambridge, MA where no one had enough foresight to pass around and email list or bring CD's to sell, Nick Webber decided to go on a diet. Finally.
P.S. In the event that you haven't seen one of the last 17 shows we've played at Rockwood Music Hall in the last 7 weeks, Casey has decided to ruin my 63rd Birthday by booking a show there for this Friday, February 12th. We go on at 11.
P.P.S. IHOP kinda sucks.
Is it really your birthday on Friday? If so, fuck you, brother.
ReplyDeleteYou should at least toss a tablecloth over that Twin Reverb, maybe a candle or two. Treat yourself, Matt. Dance like no one's watching.