Just when you thought my life couldn't get even more better than yours, I gloatingly present something you probably only get on Sundays: Blueberry Pancakes ... on a Thursday!

If you have a brain, you already know that having "Blueberry Pancakes on a Thursday" is just one of the many benefits of collective bargaining. But since you went to a public school in Florida, you may need to brush up on the concept of collective bargaining, to say nothing about your usage of commas and quotations. In general collective bargaining is basically a group of peasants, or in some cultures "employees," coming together with a metaphorical "single voice" in order to devise with their overlord, or in some cultures "employer," something called a "collective agreement." The resultant collective agreement usually sets out (according to the dubious reporting of wikipedia) "wage scales, working hours, training, health and safety, overtime, grievance mechanisms and rights to participate in workplace or company affairs." A clearly sinister enterprise.
Here in the greatest country in the history of countries that generated a level of general comfort heretofore essentially unheard of as a direct result of something called "Collective Bargaining," the concept of "Collective Bargaining" was first introduced in 1891 by one Beatrice Webb. If you're a large multination corporation owner, hearing the name Beatrice Webb probably makes you go: "Oh yeah, I shoulda known it was a woman who ruined everything for us! And by us, I mean me! If it weren't for all those stinkin' women and their stinkin' support for things like rights and unions and collective bargaining, I'd still be able to do things like ...
Hire uneducated children for my soda factory:
Or employ US workers to make garments:
(Editor's Note: This is all still part of the quote from the multinational corporation owner I am imagining you are...)
But thankfully there are still states in the union who are responsive to the needs of business:
Anyway, I'm just glad that that last sentence actually didn't happen because I voted for Barack Obama and everyone knows that if state after state were diminishing the "collective bargaining" rights of it's public employees, a guy like Barack Obama would surely stand up for not only the rights of middle class people but also make the case for balancing budgets by reestablishing the tax rate of the nation's richest people on account of the fact that they haven't been doing such a great job of creating jobs with all those tax cuts they said they needed in order to create jobs. Thankfully Barry doesn't need to make that speech.
In related news, my indentured servitude to
The Casey Shea Band continues tomorrow night at Rockwood Music Hall. We go on at 10pm.
P.S. What's that? Yes, the smiley face is meant to rub it in.
P.P.S. Tonight I'll be at The Living Room with Kris Gruen.
P.P.P.S. He's cool.
P.P.P.P.S. In addition to his acoustic guitar ...
P.P.P.P.P.S. He also has a farm.
P.P.P.P.P.P.S. In Vermont.